Movember Wing Off 2019 Event Review
We had nine teams compete over the weekend for the second annual Movember ‘King of the Wing’ challenge at our Seaford showroom.
The weather treated us well all day and there were plenty of visitors who came out to see the competition teams strut their stuff and enjoy the BBQ food we had on offer as well as the beer provided by the new local brewer, Biersal Brewery.
The event was run in support of Movember, with all funds generated by the sale of food, raffle tickets, entry fees and people‚choice judging cards being donated to that cause. Biersal Brewery generously chipped in with the proceeds of their beer sales also going to Movember.

With the food and beer sales in full swing and Paul Mercurio chatting to visitors as they sampled his unique rubs, the teams set about cooking up the best wings they could. We saw some different techniques in practice with plenty of rub and sauce combinations, some kettles, deep fryers and even a vac-seal unit in action. There were a Flaming Coals Cyprus Spit with a Spitmate tumbling the wings as well. TB2 BBQ Smokers generously provided us with some Kettle Kones as prizes for the day and there were certainly plenty of those getting good use too. If you love cooking wings and haven’t tried a Kettle Kone yet, it’s definitely worth checking them out.
Next up was the hot wing eating challenge. The crowds gathered around as three brave wing-eaters sat down to see how many hot wings they could get down in a minute. I made the mistake of tasting one of the wings after the challenge was over and almost immediately found a higher level of respect for all of the competitors - they were hot hot wings! Wayne Evans took out the title in the end. Well done Wayne.
Then it was competition hand-in time. Each team submitted their wings and waited for the judging to take place. There were some very impressive looking boxes handed in - plenty of imagination and creativity went into those wings. While we waited for the official judging to finish, a people‚choice competition saw each team handing out wings to people attending the event with each person allowed one vote for their favourite wings.
In the end, the results fell this way:
King of the Wing:


Hot Wing Eating Challenge:
The day was a huge success with $1771 raised for Movember.
We’d like to say a huge thank you to all of the sponsors who helped make this day possible. These businesses were willing to donate prizes and products to raise funds on the day for a worthy cause and their support made the day what it was.
If you have the chance to support these generous contributors by trying or continuing to use their products, we are sure you will be glad you did!